Murray Seal VS the Competition
Danny Murray had been working with the competitor's seal since 1982.
During that time he documented numerous problems. He noticed failures
occurring when there was cavitation of the pump in service, misalignment
of the couplings, or vibration due to bearing failure. He also encountered
human errors during installation, because of the complex nature
of the seals. So he decided to do something about it.
He created the Murray Seal.
The Murray Seal is a simple slide-in alternative.
It suffers none of the above failures and can be repaired on-site.
There are no internal parts to fracture and no tolerances to measure.
It's so easy it's a millwright's dream.
With the competitor's seal, a lot of time is wasted because they
have to be replaced so often.
Many times the hold screws become seized. Sometimes the entire pumps
must be replaced.
The Murray Seal eliminates these problems. Stuffing boxes are standard
and comply with the older packing system. Extensive research has
also gone into choosing the best materials for the seals.
Murray Seals are on the cutting edge of technology. These advanced
seals will make your mill run more efficiently and reduce on unscheduled
shutdowns. This allows your maintenance staff to work on other trouble
areas, which saves you money.
Don't waste precious time replacing entire pumps, customizing stuffing
boxes or watching failure after failure occur.
Slip in a Murray Seal and see the difference!